4 Steps to Build an Awesome PRD as a Product Manager (Product Requirement Document)

Rhea RB
2 min readMar 7, 2023


What is a PRD ?
PRD stands for product requirement document and encompasses all the requirements of a product right from basic problem statement to end goal.

Why Should you write a PRD ?

Conviction :
1. Documenting your research and approach brings legitimacy.
2. It is not just for stakeholder but for yourself.
3. Building conviction is key to problem solving and that is where a PRD comes.

1. Assigning Metrics for Measurements.
2. Impact on the users.
3. Assigning a number to validate approach.

1. Inputs from all internal stakeholders and users.
2. Brainstorming with developers and designers.

Source of Truth:
1. Multiple iterations of a product feature is easily traceable.
2. Single point of reference for all.
3.Treasure of Truth clear and concise

Who will read your PRD ?
1. Developers
2. QA
3.Operations Team
4. Business team
5. Designers

How to write a good PRD ?

Problem Statement Must Include
1. Current Status
2. Limitations of current feature
3. Key Challenges and their impact.

1.Voice of the customer
3.success criteria

Product scope
1.Initial Scope ( MVP)
2.Out Of scope

1. Information Workflow
2. User path
3. Structure of the product

Functional Requirements
1. Backend and Frontend Capabilities
2. Scenario Handling : Happy and Sad flows

Version and Release Plan
1.Step by step roll-out plan
2.Feedback loop

1.Basic Prototype
3.UI/UX design

Metric Tracking
1.Event Creation
2.Dash boarding
3.Success metric( North Star, L1, L2)

Go-to Tools for Writing PRD
Collaboration: Confluence and Google docs
FlowCharts: Draw.io and Whimsical
Wireframes and prototypes: Balsamiq and Figma.

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Thank you for Reading ! Build Awesome Products !!!



Rhea RB

Hello ! I am a senior software engineer, passionate about tech and product.