Object Oriented Programming(part 2) : Every JavaScript developer must know

Rhea RB
2 min readApr 16, 2023


Object oriented programming is a programming language paradigm that is based on the concept of objects

  1. which can contain data in the form of properties and code in the form of methods.
  2. OOPs is a popular programming paradigm because it allows for modular, reusable code that is easier to maintain, read and scale.

Features of OOPS

There are four rules or main pillars of object oriented programming language. This defines how the data and actions associated with the data are organized using code.

OOPS concepts

  1. Objects
  2. classes
  3. inheritance
  4. polymorphism
  5. encapsulation
  6. abstraction

We will discuss point 3 to point 6 in this blog.

Inheritance is the concept where one class inherits the properties and methods from another class.
In javascript inheritance is achieved through extends keyword.

class animal {
this.name = name;
console.log(`${this.name} is an animal`)

class cat extends animal {
constructor(name, age){
this.age = age;
console.log(`${this.name} is ${this.age} years old`)
const myCat = new cat('snowbell', 2)
myCat.getName(); //snowbell is an animal
myCat.getDetails(); // snowbell is 2 years old

Polymorphism is the ability of objects to use the same functios in different forms.

  1. This reduces repetition and makes the code snippet useful in many different cases.
  2. In javascript it is achieved through method overriding and method overloading.
  3. Method overriding is where a subclass provides its own implementations of a method that are already declared in parent class.
  4. Method overloading is where a class has multiple methods of the same name but different parameters.
class shapes{
this.color = color;
console.log('Drawing a shape')

class square extends shapes {
console.log(`Drawing a ${this.color} circle`)

Abstraction is the process of hiding the implementation details while showing only the necessary information to the user.

It is the practice of hiding the internal details of an object from the outside world.

class wallet{
#balance = 0;

constructor(initbal) {
this.#balance = initbal;
getBalance() {
return this.#balance;
const iwallet = new wallet(100);

By encapsulating the #balance field within the wallet class we are preventing direct access to the #balance field from outside of the class.

This is an example of how encapsulation can help to prevent unwanted modifications in a real-world scenario such as managing a wallet

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Thank you for reading ! Happy Coding !!



Rhea RB
Rhea RB

Written by Rhea RB

Hello ! I am a senior software engineer, passionate about tech and product.

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